5 Key trends on drones
Urban air operationsDigital InfrastructureUse cases & solutions

5 Key trends on drones

As the new year has started, look out for the 5 key trends on drone discussion topics in 2020.

1. Counter drone technology
The number of available counter-drone solutions are almost doubled since last year. The counter-drone market has grew rapidly and is expected to continue to grow in 2020.

2. Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
The topic “Urban Air Mobility” has been a huge topic since the beginning of the rise of the commercial drone market. Last year, drone deliveries began to take off in Australia, The United States, Ghana and elsewhere. The delivery solutions varies from medicine to food to industrial materials. The expectation of 2020 is that the drone delivery industry develops even further. The development of passenger drones will need more time and more funding to get certified, before the passenger drones market will rise.

3. Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM)
EASA will publish an opinion about Remote ID and their U-Space initiative in the first quarter of 2020. The FAA published its opinion already in December 2019 and it will be interesting how these rules will differ from the US rules.

4. Adoption and Automation
More companies will start drone operations or pull outsourced operation in since the complexity sinks (due to higher automation and better workflow integration). This is reflected in the growing drone market forecast for the next five years.

5. ISO Standards
The announcement of the first ISO approved drone safety standards was presented at the end of 2019. This means that in 2020 the safety management system will be a huge regulatory topic. The foundation for future rulemaking standardizing and legislating of drone operations has been laid.

Read the full Droneii article here.


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